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How to lose weight with natural products

   If you want to lose weight, but is not interested in eating prepackaged foods and drink beverages loaded weight loss chemicals and sugar substitutes, you can do with the use of natural products. The right combination of vitamins, herbs and foods can help people lose weight. However, note that by simply changing your diet or taking natural supplements do not work in isolation. For more effective results, it is necessary to connect a nutritious diet with moderate exercise. 


1 Taking vitamins B2 and B3 which help regulate the thyroid and metabolism. Vitamins are found naturally in foods, or can be purchased in pill form, in specialty stores. Look for foods that are rich in vitamin B2 (riboflavin), such as meat and green leafy vegetables, and incorporate these elements into your regular diet. Try eating tuna, turkey, eggs, wheat and barley for its vitamin B3 (niacin), naturally. 

2 Purchase vitamin B5, which contributes to the production of energy in the body, and the release of energy from digested foods. You should take vitamin B5 (pyridoxine) permanently, to help your body adapt to the new energy source. Necessary, stock up on foods such as nuts, oatmeal, liver and vegetables to get a good dose of natural B5. 

3 Eat foods that are rich in vitamin C such as citrus fruits, peppers and kiwi. Weight loss of vitamin C affects your body, this vitamin can help the body break down glucose into energy that can burn. 
4 Take vitamin D supplements to help with your weight loss goals. It was found that vitamin D increases, the maintenance of a low calorie diet can lead to weight loss. It is necessary to pick up some fish oil, which has the highest concentration of vitamin D, and integrate it into your daily routine. 
May increase your metabolism by taking dandelion root and eat chili. The combination of these herbal supplements, combined with facilitator weight loss exercise because your metabolism requires continuous training. 
Drink six natural green tea (not loaded with sweeteners). You must replace the coffee with hot or iced green tea as it helps the body burn fat without contributing to further inflammation, as with coffee. 
7 Must increase your energy and help your weight loss goals with ginseng. You can find ginseng tea, beverages and supplements in many stores. Avoid taking too much ginseng, since your body can be stimulated. You just enough to create a constant energy to help the body metabolize food. 
8 Take licorice root oil sparingly to reduce body fat, or licorice tea. However, avoid excessive use of licorice, and other side effects that may occur, such as headaches. 
9 Drink plenty of water. Water is all natural and helps cleanse the digestive tract, keeps your body moisturizing power and maintains good general health.
you need 
vitamin B2 
vitamin B3 
vitamin B5 
vitamin C 
Vitamin D 
Dandelion root 
red pepper 
green tea 
Licorice root 


Always consult your doctor before taking any new vitamins and herbs. 
Do not take vitamins or herbs during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Also make sure that vitamins and herbs you take do not interfere with prescription medications you are taking.

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